Source code for esgf_query

Two functions for querying the ESGF errata service and summarizing its results

from __future__  import division, print_function , unicode_literals, absolute_import

import requests  # use pip or conda to install it if needed
import json
from datetime import datetime

[docs]def query_errata_service(dataset_drs,base_url=""): """ Query the errata service for erratas on a dataset DRS, such as >>> dataset_drs="" and returns a list of pairs (severity, description) for relevant erratas """ erratas=[] resolve_url=base_url+"resolve/simple-pid?datasets="+dataset_drs r=requests.get(resolve_url) try : r=r.json() except ValueError : print("\nNo Json object for "+dataset_drs) return None if 'errorCode' not in r : for handle in r : l=r[handle]['errataIds'] if type(l) != type([]) : l=eval(l) for uid in l : e=requests.get(base_url+"issue/retrieve?uid="+uid).json()['issue'] erratas.append((e['severity'],e['description'])) else : return None return erratas
[docs]def analyze_erratas(fn,max_count=None, do_print=True, panel=None, variable=None) : """ Reads the kind of AR6 metadata file which describes data used for a figure (or figure panel) and query the ESGF errata service for all corresponding datasets Returns a dictionnary of experiment DRS with an errata, grouped that way : >>> d[variable][severity][errata_description] = [ ... list of experiment DRS ...] Arg count allows to limit the number of requests to the errata service Arg variable allows to restrict the analysis to those metadata lines which are for a given variable Arg panel allows to restrict the analysis to those metadata lines which have a given panel label Example of a metadata file line: CMIP6.CMIP.MPI-M.MPI-ESM1-2-HR.piControl none r1i1p1f1 Amon pr gn v20190710 ssp126 a Note : sub-experiment ids are not (yet) handled """ errata_base_url="" with open(fn) as fic : lines=fic.readlines() count=0 berrata2models=dict() variables=[] for line in lines : count+=1 fields=line.split() if len(fields) >= 7 and fields[1]=='none' and (max_count==None or count <= max_count) : print(".",end='') expid=fields[0] variant=fields[2] table=fields[3] rvariable=fields[4] grid=fields[5] version=fields[6] if len(fields)>7: rpanel=fields[7] else: rpanel=False if (panel is None or panel==rpanel) and (variable is None or variable==rvariable): drs="%s.%s.%s.%s.%s.%s"%(expid,variant,table,rvariable,grid,version) err_list=query_errata_service(drs,errata_base_url) if err_list is not None : if rvariable not in berrata2models : berrata2models[rvariable]=dict() for severity,description in err_list : if severity not in berrata2models[rvariable]: berrata2models[rvariable][severity]=dict() if description not in berrata2models[rvariable][severity] : berrata2models[rvariable][severity][description]=set() berrata2models[rvariable][severity][description].add(expid) print if do_print : for variable in berrata2models : print("variable",variable) for severity in berrata2models[variable] : print("\tseverity",severity) for description in berrata2models[variable][severity] : print("\t\t",description,berrata2models[variable][severity][description]) # berrata2models["Errata service query date"] ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") berrata2models["Errata service query url"] = errata_base_url # return berrata2models