Short cut

If you are in the lucky case where :

  • you have access to the ESPRI platform
  • that platform still hosts directory ‘/data/ssenesi/CAMMAC’
  • you have a simple need for a change map

you can create a map of the change in variable mrro for season ANN in projection ssp245 between periods 1995-2014 and 2081-2100, using the confidence/hatching scheme KS (which refers to the Knutti-Sedlacek robustness index) with threshold value 0.9 by typing :

export CLIMAF=/home/ssenesi/climaf_installs/climaf_running
export CAMMAC=/data/ssenesi/CAMMAC
$CAMMAC/jobs/ ssp585 JJAS KS 0.9 pr

This uses notebook basic and should create a sub-directory ‘basic_mrro_ssp245_ANN_AR6S_0.66’ hosting this figure :


You can also copy and edit script for changing more driving parameters.

Note that parameters included in $CAMMAC/jobs/common_parameters.yaml are take into account, but with a lower priority than those set in the script itself

If directory ‘/data/ssenesi/CAMMAC’ has been removed, you should get the same results by first getting CAMMAC source using only the code cloning instructions of the installation section

If you have other needs, have may a look at Notebooks for figures/tables generation and Batch execution of notebooks

If you don’t have access to the ESPRI platform, you will need :