Common notebooks behaviour and parameters

Parameters setting principles

All notebooks have their parameters grouped in a single notebook cell which is the first code cell. The parameters are generally documented in that first cell, otherwise their meaning is described hereafter.

A further notebook cell usually supersedes the value of some parameters, provided the ``do_test\ parameter is set to True in first cell (which is the default). This allows that the default behaviour is to test the notebook on a small-size problem

This first cell also has a Jupyter metadata wich name is ‘parameters’ and which allows papermill to supersede first cell’s parameters values when it runs the notebook (such as in batch mode; this is actually the way it knows after which cell it should include the parameters which it is provided with

Note that the combination of both features implies that do_test should be set to False when launching in batch mode, except when purposely wishing to activate the test paramaters set.

How to include own python code in all notebooks

All notebooks execute (after parameters setting) the code they may find in a file named ‘’ located in the directory designated by environment variable CAMMAC_USER_PYTHON_CODE_DIR (or the current execution directory if the variable is not set). This allows to avoid code duplication among numerous notebooks. Batch launcher ensures, by default, for setting this variable to a proper value (i.e. directory jobs) for accessing this version of file ‘’ : (see also Batch execution of notebooks)

from climaf.api import *

# Fix some model errors
calias('CMIP6','pr',scale=1000.,conditions={"model" : "CIESM"})
calias('CMIP6','mrso',scale=1000.,conditions={"model" : "CIESM"})
calias('CMIP6','mrsos',scale=100.,conditions={"model" : "FGOALS-f3-L"})

# Define P-E for CMIP6 variables
derive('CMIP6', 'P-E','minus','pr','evspsbl')

# Define location of fixed fields
dataloc(project='CMIP6', organization='generic',

# Define location of derived variables if needed (e.g. yearly stats of daily precip)
if derived_variables_pattern is not None :
            climaf.dataloc.dataloc(project='CMIP6', organization='generic',
                                   url=derived_variables_pattern, table=derived_variable_table)

For all notebooks where it makes sense, the following applies :

Other parameters

  • a number of notebooks use a caching mechanism (atop of CliMAF one) for final fields ; in that case, they use a directory designated by cachedir , which default value is “./cache”; a parameter use_cached_proj_fields (which defaults to True) allows to (de-)activate this feature;

  • multi-model maps are based on reprojecting time averaged fields on a grid common to all models; it is designated by paramterer common_grid with CDO syntax (see paragraph 1.3.2 of CDO doc, and defaults to a 1° regular latlon grid. The regridding algorithm used is a CDO’s conservative reamp scheme, execpt when CDO does not support the input grid for this algorithm. This is fine tuned through function choose_regrid_option()

  • when the figure needs a computation of internal multi-decennal variability of some variable, parameter variab_sampling_args, which value is a dictionary, allows :

    • to possibly change the parameters for multi-decennal variability computation in AR5 and AR6 methods :

      • “shift”, the length of the begin of the control period which is discarded (if there is a long enough data period for that)
      • “size”, the size of the samples (in years)
      • “number”, the number of samples
      • “detrend”, which drives a detrending before computing time variance (defaults to True)
    • to drive some internals :

      • “compute” (True/False) : should function variability_AR5 ask CliMAF to perform the actual computation or to just return the CliMAF object representing the variability field (with a deferred computation); this parameter has no actual effect when executing a notebook
      • “house_keeping” : should intermediate fields be erased from CliMAF cache after computing variability; beacuse of the length of the data periods for control experiment, this can have a strong impact on CliMAF cache size, which can be an issue with respect to file resources; re-running a notebook with house_keeping=True can be a way to save on file ressources
  • same_model_for_var is a logical toggle which indicates whether, when computing internal variability on an ensemble of models, the chosen ensemble should be the same that the ensemble used for computing the change; if this is the case, the list of models used for both computations is restricted to the set of models providing data for the control and the reference and the projection experiments. This parameter is not implemented in all notebooks, in which case it takes value ‘False’. Implementing it is quite easy for notebooks producing chane maps by calling function changes.change_figure_with_caching()

All notebooks producing maps do use CAMMAClib function change_figure_with_caching() which embedded documentation can also be helpful