Software organization, requirements and installation

Software organization and directory structure

The directory structure of the software is composed of 5 directories :

  • CAMMAClib/, a library of python (2.7) modules providing shared functions, and documented there
  • notebooks/, a series of parameterized IPython notebooks, which can be seen as “main programs” using CAMMAClib; each notebook was inspired by the needs of one of the multi-panel AR6/WG1/Chapter8 figures, but designed to be more generic than these needs. See the notebook_gallery
  • jobs/, a series of “job scripts”, where each script is dedicated to launch a job for actually computing one single AR6 chapter 8 figure or table (or a Technical Summary figure or panel). These jobs allow for changing notebook parameters. These “job scripts” are, at the time of writing, not yet publicly available; they will became available when the AR6/WGI report is released, in the course of 2021. A few jobs are yet provided as examples or for ancillary tasks.
  • select_data_versions/ : notebooks for handling the selection of the set of CMIP6 dataset versions used by the figure notebooks for the case of AR6 report, and for data check and pre-processing
  • data/ :
    • Data_versions_selection_20210201.json : a dictionnary of CMIP6 data versions available on the ESPRI platform on 1st february 2021, suited for use with the notebooks
    • fixed_fields/, a series of fixed fields representing the land fraction for all models used has been gathered in a specific directory, in order to alleviate for the lack of those fields for some CMIP6 experiments for some models;
    • basins/ , a series of datafiles defining AR6 monsoon regions (courtesy of Sabin Thazhe Purayil) and a file describing world hydrological basins (courtesy of B.Decharme - Decharme et al. 2019)
    • colomaps/ , the series of AR6 defined Ncl colormaps

Sofware requirements

CAMMAC main programs are notebooks and so need Jupyter. However, using CAMMAClib in similar python main programs is also possible

CAMMAClib and notebooks heavily rely on CliMAF with a version >= 2.0.1 [1] for implementing data access, for computations (mainly using CDO behind the curtain) and for ploting figures (using Ncl behind the curtain).

Because CliMAF has a built-in knowledge of CMIP6 data organization on the ESPRI platform, a slight adaptation has to be done for using CAMMAC on other platforms (see Using CAMMAC outside the ESPRI platform)

The utility make use of papermill for launching batch executions of notebooks, while allowing for changing their parameters.

Only quite common python packages are needed; they include numpy and xarray (and requests when using the notebook queryin the ESGF errata system). TBD : give a detailed list of actually required packages


Once required softwares are installed, installing CAMMAC is as simple as :

  • cloning the github repository (which amounts to less the 40 Mbytes) by
mkdir <my_cammac_install>
cd <my_cammac_install>
git clone
  • create a file similar to jobs/, which will allow to set up the environment:
    • either automatically for jobs launched by jobs/ or
    • manually before launching jupyter for interactive use of CAMMAC notebooks
  • change the symbolic link jobs/ to designate that new file
  • adapt the content of jobs/common_parameters.yaml, replacing all occurrences of /data/ssenesi/CAMMAC by the full path of your CAMMAC install directory
  • adapt the code of jobs/ to your batch command if command ‘qsub’ is not available
  • insert this code either in your profile or before using CAMMAC scripts or notebooks :
export CLIMAF=<a CliMAF directory with version > 2.0>
export CAMMAC=<my_cammac_install>/CAMMAC  # Must be a full path


[1]CliMAF 2.0.0 is OK except for using the hatching confidence scheme based on Knutti and Sedlacek robustness index, in notebool basic