Source code for ancillary

Ancillary functions for :

  - managing dictionnaries of dictionnaries of dictionnaries of ...
  - converting acronyms to nice labels
  - handling labelbars (using ImageMagick's convert) : extract, assemble

from __future__  import division, print_function , unicode_literals, absolute_import

import json, os, os.path

#: A dictionnary of pretty labels for some acronyms 
    "DJF":"DJF","JJA":"JJA","ann":"All seasons","ANN":"All seasons",
    "mrso":"soil moisture","mrsos":"soil surface moisture", "mrro":"runoff", "sos":"sea surface salinity",
    "drain" : "daily precipitation intensity",
    "dry":"dry days per year",
    "ydrain" : "daily precipitation intensity",
    "ydry":"dry days per year",
    "mean_change"  :"mean change"  , "mean_schange"  :"mean standardized change"  , "mean_rchange"  : "mean percentage change",
    "means_rchange"  : "percentage change of mean",
    "median_change":"median change", "median_schange":"median standardized change", "median_rchange": "median percentage change",

# A constant useful when defining dry days
one_mm_per_day="%g"%(1./(24.*3600.)) # in S.I.

[docs]def feed_dic(dic,value,*keys,**kwargs): """ Similar to bash 'mkdir -p' for a dict() : creates intermediate levels of keys for storing value VALUE in dict DIC, as e.g. : >>> d=dict() >>> feed_dic(d,3,1,"q") >>> print("d=",d) d= {1: {"q": 3}} >>> feed_dic(d,'a',1,4,"key") >>> print("d=",d) d= {1: {"q": 3, 4: {"key" : 'a'}}} With keyword arg use_list=True, will rather assume that stored values are lists, and so will append VALUE : >>> e=dict() >>> feed_dic(e,18,key1,key2,use_list=True) >>> feed_dic(e,19,key1,key2,use_list=True) >>> print("e=",e) e= {key1: {key2: [18, 19]}} With keyword arg extend_list=True, will also assume that stored values are lists, and that VALUE is a list, and concatenate it with value in dic With keyword arg use_count=True, will rather increment the dic value with VALUE (starting from 0) : >>> e=dict() >>> feed_dic(e,2,"qq",3,use_count=True) >>> feed_dic(e,100,"qq",3,use_count=True) >>> print("e=",e) e= {"qq": {3: 102}} """ if len(keys)==0 : raise ValueError("Must provide at least one key") for kw in kwargs : if kw not in [ "use_list","use_count","extend_list" ]: raise ValueError("Unknown keyword argument %s"%kw) # use_list = kwargs.get('use_list' ,False) extend_list = kwargs.get('extend_list' ,False) use_count = kwargs.get('use_count' ,0) # if extend_list and type(value) != list : raise ValueError("Cannot extend at leaf level in list mode with a non-list value : %s"%(str(value))) # d=dic level=0 for k in keys[:-1] : level+=1 if k not in d : d[k]=dict() if type(d) != type(dict()) : raise ValueError(str(d)+" is already a value, can't be a key!") d=d[k] if type(d) != type(dict()) : raise ValueError("There is already a non-dict value (%s) for key %s at level %d"%(str(d),k,level)) # if use_list or use_count or extend_list : if keys[-1] in d : leaf=d[keys[-1]] if use_list : if type(leaf) != list : raise ValueError("Cannot append %s at leaf level in list mode, value there is not a list : %s"%(value,leaf)) else : leaf.append(value) elif extend_list : if type(leaf) != list : raise ValueError("Cannot expent %s at leaf level in list mode, value there is not a list : %s"%(value,leaf)) else : leaf.extend(value) elif use_count : if type(leaf) != int : raise ValueError("Cannot increment at leaf level in count mode, value there is not an int %s"%(leaf)) else : d[keys[-1]] += value else : if use_list : d[keys[-1]] = [ value ] elif extend_list : d[keys[-1]] = value elif use_count : if type(value) != int : raise ValueError("Cannot init count at leaf level in count mode, with a non-int value %s"%(value)) else : d[keys[-1]] = value else: d[keys[-1]]=value
[docs]def amail(text,subject="The subject",to=[""], sender=""): import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText # msg=MIMEText(text) msg["Subject"]=subject msg["From"]=sender msg["To"]=str(to) # S=smtplib.SMTP() S.connect() S.sendmail(sender,to,msg.as_string())
[docs]def choose_regrid_option(variable,table,model,grid): """ Want to use a Cdo regrid option which can deal with published grid for Nemo, which has a band of missing values in Indian Ocean The return value is a dict of arg/values for regridn """ default = {"option" : "remapcon"} if table != "Omon": return default elif model not in [ "CNRM-CM6-1", "CNRM-ESM2-1", "CNRM-CM6-1-HR", "IPSL-CM6A-LR", # Nemo Grid "EC-Earth3", "EC-Earth3-LR" , "EC-Earth3-CC", "EC-Earth3-AerChem", "EC-Earth3P", "EC-Earth3P-HR", "EC-Earth3-Veg", "EC-Earth3-Veg-LR", "MPI-ESM1-2-HR","MPI-ESM1-2-LR","MPI-ESM1-2-XR","MPI-ESM-1-2-HAM", # "NESM3", "BCC-ESM1", "BCC-CSM2-MR", "FGOALS-f3-L", "FGOALS-g3", # Source grid cell corner coordinates missing "AWI-CM-1-1-MR" , "CMCC-CM2-SR5" ,# this one generates CDO error "ERROR: invalid cell" "HadGEM3-GC31-MM" , # ERROR: invalid cell "HadGEM3-GC31-LL" , # ERROR: invalid cell "IITM-ESM", # Source grid cell corner coordinates missing! ]: return default elif grid[0:2] == "gr": return default else : return {"option" : "remapdis"}
[docs]def extract_labelbar(figure_file, labelbar_file, y_offset=630) : """ Extract labelbar from FIGURE_FILE using external process and put it in LABELBAR_FILE. Use Y_OFFSET, an offset on y axis, for skipping the map part of the figure file. Default y_offste value is OK with Ncl maps as long as they have a 'right string' """ os.system("convert %s +repage -crop +0+%d -trim %s"%(figure_file,y_offset,labelbar_file))
[docs]def concatenate_labelbars(lbfile1,lbfile2,lbfile) : """ Just put side-by-side the two figures in LBFILE1 and LBFILE2, producing LBFILE""" # os.system("convert -size 1650x100 xc:white %s -geometry 1100x100 -composite "%lbfile1 + " %s -geometry x100+550+0 -composite -trim %s"%(lbfile2,lbfile))
[docs]def create_labelbar2(figure_file1,figure_file2,out_file,missing=True, captions_dir=None,width=2100,height=130,scheme="AR6",y_offset=630,ratio=4.): """ Combine the labelbar part of FIGURE_FILE1 and FIGURE_FILE2 with a third picture showing the legend relevant for the AR5 or AR6 hatching scheme SCHEME can be AR5, AR6, AR6S (AR6 simple approach) or KS13 (Knutti & Sedlaceck 2013) Y_OFFSET is used for extracting labelbars (see fucntion extract_labelbars) WIDTH and HEIGHT are the target sizes for the output """ # Extract labelbar from figure_file extract_labelbar(figure_file1,"tmp_labelbar1.png",y_offset) extract_labelbar(figure_file2,"tmp_labelbar2.png",y_offset) # Combine with legend for shadings if captions_dir is None : captions_dir=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath( __file__ ))+"/captions/" if scheme=="AR5" : if missing : caption="caption_signif_missing.png" else: caption="caption_signif_centre.png" elif scheme=="AR6" : caption="AR6_hatching_legend.png" elif scheme in [ "AR6S" , "KS13" ] : caption="AR6S_hatching_legend.png" else : raise ValueError("Unknown hatching scheme %s"%scheme) shading_caption=captions_dir+caption if scheme != "AR6S" : # Divide width in segments signif_width=width//7 lbwidth= 3*signif_width margin=signif_width/6 else: # Divide width in segments signif_width=int(float(width)/ratio) lbwidth= int((width-signif_width)/2.) margin=signif_width/10 signif_width = width - 2 * ( lbwidth + margin ) if height is None : height=width/16 command="rm -f %s ; "%out_file +\ "convert -size %dx%d xc:white "%(width,height)+\ " \( tmp_labelbar2.png -scale %dx%s -geometry +%d+0 \) -composite "%\ (lbwidth,height,lbwidth+signif_width) +\ " \( %s -scale %dx%d -geometry +%d-0 \) -composite "%\ (shading_caption,signif_width-2*margin,height,lbwidth+margin) +\ " \( tmp_labelbar1.png -scale %dx%d -geometry +0+0 \) -composite "%\ (lbwidth,height) +\ " -trim "+out_file print(command) os.system(command)
#os.system("rm tmp_labelbar1.png tmp_labelbar2.png")
[docs]def create_labelbar(figure_file,out_file,missing=True,captions_dir=None,width=1200,height=130,scheme="AR6",y_offset=630): """ Combine the labelbar part of FIGURE_FILE with a third picture showing the legend relevant for the AR5 or AR6 hatching scheme SCHEME can be AR5, AR6, AR6S (AR6 simple approach) or KS13 (Knutti & Sedlaceck 2013) Y_OFFSET is used for extracting labelbars (see fucntion extract_labelbars) WIDTH and HEIGHT are the target sizes for the output """ # Extract labelbar from figure_file extract_labelbar(figure_file,"tmp_labelbar.png",y_offset) # Combine with legend for shadings if captions_dir is None : captions_dir=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath( __file__ ))+"/captions/" if scheme=="AR5" : if missing : caption="caption_signif_missing.png" else: caption="caption_signif_centre.png" elif scheme=="AR6" : caption="AR6_hatching_legend.png" elif scheme in [ "AR6S" , "KS13" ] : caption="AR6S_hatching_legend.png" else : raise ValueError("Unknown hatching scheme %s"%scheme) shading_caption=captions_dir+caption # signif captions size is 314x175 # label bars size is 872x130 (for page_width=2450,page_height=3444) # Divide width in segments : 3+1+3 if scheme != "AR6S" : signif_width=width//4 lbwidth= 3*signif_width margin=signif_width//8 else : signif_width=width/3 lbwidth= 2*signif_width margin=signif_width//10 signif_width = width - lbwidth - margin if height is None : height=width/16 command="rm -f %s ; "%out_file +\ "convert -size %dx%d xc:white "%(width,height)+\ " \( %s -scale %dx%d -geometry +%d-0 \) -composite "%\ (shading_caption,signif_width,height,lbwidth+margin) +\ " \( tmp_labelbar.png -scale %dx%d -geometry +0+0 \) -composite "%\ (lbwidth,height) +\ " -trim "+out_file os.system(command) os.system("rm tmp_labelbar.png")