Batch execution of notebooks

The way to use notebooks for batch execution is illustrated by the set of scripts for AR6 figures and other scripts in directory $CAMMAC/jobs.


In short : these scripts can be launched from any directory, they allow to change notebook’s parameters, their output will go in a sub-directory named after the scrips’s name, and they take care of setting the execution environment defined at install stage. You can create your own version of such scripts, see Designing own scripts for batch

The scripts can be launched after setting the minimal environment, e.g. :

export CLIMAF=/home/ssenesi/climaf_installs/climaf_running
export CAMMAC=/data/ssenesi/CAMMAC

Provided scripts for batch jobs

Unfortunately, before the AR6 report goes public, the full set of AR6 scripts cannot be disclosed to the public, so the examples provided are limited to:

  • which allows to create a singe-panel figure with the map of a variable change by launching notebook basic; it takes arguments for variable, projection experiment, season, hatching scheme and its threshold.
  • which allows to build a data versions dictionnary by launching notebook data_selection
  • which allows to launch notebook Chek_ranges
  • which allows to launch notebook Chek_ESGF_lists_on_bdd
  • which allows to derive daily precipitations statistics by launching notebook create_derived_variable

Yaml syntax for setting parameters in scripts

The syntax used for changing notebooks parameters in job scripts is Yaml, because papermill requests it. Here is a short primer for the correspondance between Python and Yaml syntax. You may also refer to Learn Yaml in minutes

Python Yaml
experiments = [“ssp126”, “ssp245”, “ssp585”] experiments: [ssp126, ssp245, ssp585]
variability_sampling_args = { “nyears”: 20 }
nyears: 20
another_dict = { “nyears”: 20 } another_dict : { “nyears”: 20 }
a_number_as_a_string = “1” a_number_as_a_string: “1”